Doubly Impressed
Chic new Coffee Shops, Double Impresso, has been causing quite a stir with its awesome blend of great service, ‘coffee porn’ and, of course, some awesome blends of tea from yours truly at the Kettle Shed!

Nestled conveniently on Bethnel High Street, Double Impresso have started working their impish charms and succulent snacks on an unsuspecting East London. They’re good! And that’s why we’re partnering up with them to add great tasting teas to their already enticing arsenal.
So what’s the next step? Well, according to the Impresso team it’s WORLD DOMINATION. But we’re only interested in providing the tea. Honest.
As more coffee shops and hotels join us and start selling our tea, you can keep up with where to buy Kettle Shed cuppas with our handy map and directory of stockists. We’ve got loads of places you can pick up our tea in London, plus we’re spreading North!
For now, next time you’re at Bethnel Green and fancy a brew, pop in and see the gang at Double Impresso, it’s right on the high street so it’s super convenient. They’ve got yummie snacks like, sandwiches, and cakes, not to mention some of the finest tea in the land – *cough* ours *cough*.
Their baristas also do really good coffee. You know. If you like that sort of thing…